Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Babylonian Of The Assyrian Army - 1987 Words

This research paper is about one aspect of the ancient world that I have analyzed and the topic that I have done this research on is the Assyrian Army. I will give a detailed analysis with precise and concise information with well presented information with credible claims to support my paper and my thesis statement that â€Å".The Assyrian Army was the most organized Army in the Ancient near east; they conquered the Dark Age era with their tactical and physical nature of militant system which makes them the best army of all time†. The Worldview connection is that the Assyrian was into terror and believed that they were immortal which shows how brutal they were. The Assyrians not only viewed themselves as a great army but had a worldview that was set as the foundation of western civilization which was more polytheistic. Assyria is a major Mesopotamian East Semitic kingdom and empire of the Ancient Near East, existed as an independent state for a period of approximately ninetee n centuries, from the 25th century BCE to the 6th century BCE, spanning the mid to Early Bronze Age through to the late Iron Age. (Humanities 26) â€Å"For a short time the Assyrians became the first people to rule both Egypt and Mesopotamia. The Assyrians came to rule powerful empires at several times. As mentioned in class by (Mesner 08-28-2015) â€Å"the Make up a substantial part of the greater Mesopotamian cradle of civilization, which included Sumer, Akkad and much later Babylonia, Assyria was at the heightShow MoreRelatedBabylonian, Babylonian And Babylonian Warfare766 Words   |  4 PagesEmmanuel Paredes Pd4 Assyrian and Babylonian Warfare The Assyrian and Babylonian military were great in older times.They were experts at the usage of the military during wars by using tactics and strategies to come out on top.Things as simple as chariots were critical and used in their unique way of war.Babylonia used creative ideas like damming out city-states water sources. Assyria was a huge force and army to feud with during any time of its existence because of their basic but smart waysRead MoreThe Rise Of The Assyrian Empire1559 Words   |  7 PagesThe Assyrian empire was a powerful one, maybe too powerful. Enforcement of government rule was harsh and was followed through upon. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Analysis Of The Rocking Horse Winner And The Lottery

An Analysis exploring the irony in â€Å"The â€Å"Rocking-Horse Winner† and â€Å"The â€Å"Lottery† Often times an author will use irony as a literally technique to throw a twist in his story, whereby allowing the outcome of it to be completely different from what the reader expected. In D.H. Lawrence’s â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner† and Shirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery,† Mrs. Hutchinson and Paul, despite their motivation, are victims of misguided reasoning, resulting in the irony of each character’s demise. In fact, each author uses a special dialect and tone to create a false sense of normality that gives the reader a feeling of certainty. Nonetheless, after the incongruity of events, this certainty dissipates and leaves the reader stupefied, in a state of astonishment. Both Lawrence and Jackson employ distinct literary elements that supply the reader with acumen into the motivations of their major characters, ergo explaining their misguided reasoning. In â€Å"The Lottery,† the countless images Jackson depicts, situated around the lottery itself, suggest a lifestyle marred by static tradition ensuing annual ritual. Moreover, for this reason, despite the irony of a peaceful and caring people indicated in the exposition, Jackson, later repudiates that representation of the villagers and reveals a strong animosity with lack of compassion, anticipating an immoral act among them. Nonetheless, in â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner,† by telling the story in the third person omniscient point of view, LawrenceShow MoreRelatedMedia Magic Making Class Invisible2198 Words   |  9 Pagessections of th (13 August) Community Influence In Literature (18 July) Ode To A Urn Detailed Analysis (17 June) Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge (14 June) Newburgh (14 June) Countee Cullen: A Reniassance Man (14 June) Death In The Hours (14 June) Antigone (14 June) The Art Of Persuasion (14 June) Compare And Contrast (13 June) Sonnys Blues (13 June) Social Order In Jackson#039;S Lottery (13 June) Mop Top (13 June) What Is The Primary Cause For MacbethS Descent Into WickednessRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 PagesStrategic and marketing analysis 2 Marketing auditing and the analysis of capability 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Learning objectives Introduction Reviewing marketing effectiveness The role of SWOT analysis Competitive advantage and the value chain Conducting effective audits Summary 3 Segmental, productivity and ratio analysis 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 Learning objectives Introduction The clarification of cost categories Marketing cost analysis: aims and methods An illustrationRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesmain issues inï ¬â€šuencing the competitive position of a number of organisations in the same industry with a relatively short case. For a case that permits a more comprehensive industry analysis The Pharmaceutical Industry could be used. However, if the purpose is more focused – illustrating the use of ‘ï ¬ ve forces’ analysis – the TUI case study or Illustration 2.3 on The Steel Industry could be used. Some cases are written entirely from published sources but most have been prepared in cooperation withRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesLine 58 Understanding and Appreciating Individual Differences Important Areas of Self-Awareness 61 Emotional Intelligence 62 Values 65 Ethical Decision Making and Values 72 Cognitive Style 74 Attitudes Toward Change 76 Core Self-Evaluation 79 SKILL ANALYSIS 84 Cases Involving Self-Awareness 84 Communist Prison Camp 84 Computerized Exam 85 Decision Dilemmas 86 SKILL PRACTICE 89 Exercises for Improving Self-Awareness Through Self-Disclosure 89 Through the Looking Glass 89 Diagnosing Managerial Characteristics

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Plastic Money in Indiamn Shopping Essay Sample free essay sample

†¢To know the perceptual experience of people towards fictile money. Secondary aims: †¢To know the importance of fictile money in the day-to-day life of consumers’ W. R. T recognition and debit cards. †¢To study the benefits of debit card and recognition cards. †¢To happen out the market leader among the assorted banks/companies publishing recognition and debit cards †¢To know the jobs faced by respondents utilizing fictile money. †¢To study the satisfaction degree of consumers towards fictile money. Need AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY Need of the survey: It is justly said the fictile money is need of hr. Peoples are utilizing these cards on a huge graduated table. But after sing the reappraisal of literature it is seen the whole payment procedure of treating these cards is non safe and client are confronting many jobs associating to plastic money. That’s why survey is focused on consumer perceptual experience sing the fictile money. Need of the survey is to acquire to cognize about the comparative analysis of fictile money. There are many ethical issues and challenges in the market of plastic money which is required to be studied. This survey is concerned with the Seven fringe benefits of fictile money Convenience. Budgeting engineering. Reputation hiking. Corporate might. Cops and robbers. the float. openness to dialogues. Scope of survey: the followers are the countries covered by fictile money ;ATM cards are easy being transformed into value-added debit cards. Bankers and analysts see enormous range for growing in debit cards. â€Å"There is enormous potency for debit cards. It will shortly be replacing checks. Utility payments will shortly be made through debit cards. either at the ATMs or at the counters. The debit card can be used to retreat hard currency from ATMs of other Bankss depending on whether the debit card-maker has a Visa or a Maestro affiliation. Visa and MasterCard both confirmed yesterday that they had been notified of the breach and had in bend notified several Bankss and recognition card companies of the possible informations via media. They declined to state how many companies have been notified. Credit cards Equally good as convenient. accessible recognition ; recognition cards offer consumers an easy manner to track disbursals. which is necessary for both monitoring personal o utgos and the trailing of work-related disbursals for revenue enhancement and reimbursement intents. Introduction: Plastic money or polymer money. made out of plastic. is a new and easy manner of paying for goods and services. Plastic money was introduced in the 1950s and is now an indispensable signifier of ready money which reduces the hazard of managing a immense sum of hard currency. It includes debit cards. ATMs. smart cards. etc. Credit cards. discrepancies of fictile money. are used as replacements for currency Recognition cards in India are deriving land. A figure of Bankss in India are promoting people to utilize recognition card. The construct of recognition card was used in 1950 with the launch of charge cards in USA by Diners Club and American Express. Credit card nevertheless became more popular with usage of magnetic strip in 1970. Credit card in India became popular with the debut of foreign Bankss in the state. Credit cards are fiscal instruments. which can be used more than one time to borrow money or purchase merchandises and services on recognition. Basically Bankss. retail shops and other concerns issue these. It was introduced around and has now become an indispensable signifier of ready money. One of the chief grounds for presenting fictile money. particularly recognition cards is to cut down the hazard of managing a immense sum of hard currency by individuals/merchants. The growing and popularity of fictile money in India has been phenomenal in the last few old ages. In the present twenty-four hours universe. no 1 wants to be bothered by the presence of immense hard currency in his or her billfold and the Indians are no exclusions. The unprecedented growing in the figure of recognition card users has stimulated the Indian economic system by a important extent. The reaching of promenades. multiplexes. on-line shopping shops and shopping composites have contributed to the growing of the usage of plastic cards. The Best recognition cards in India are normally meant for specific user group such as adult females. pupils and little concern proprietors. These cards are offered to the prospective clients with appealing trades. Over the old ages. American indians have been averse to recognition cards. This is chiefly because they believed that disbursement through recognition is a certain changeable manner of acquiring into the debt trap. Of class. films foregrounding the sad province of a borrower did non precisely assist affairs. And even the local kirana stores have the celebrated lines ; Aaj Nagad. Kal Udhari ( hard currency today. recognition tomorrow ) . But the state of affairs is non really that chilling. And it is all approximately right timing. Credit cards can be a utile tool at the custodies of savvy consumers who can efficaciously utilize the benefits offered by cards. It is of import to cognize that recognition card is a fiscal tool that needs to be used responsibly. While it ensures hard currency flow. it is non advisable for clients to borrow for a longer period of clip. Use it efficaciously and take good advantage of the clip line and unclutter your debts. without any extra costs. Major Banks publishing Credit Card in India: †¢State Bank of India recognition card ( SBI recognition card ) †¢Bank of Baroda recognition card or BOB recognition card †¢ICICI recognition card †¢HDF C chromium edit card †¢IDBI recognition card †¢ABN AMRO recognition card †¢Standard Chartered recognition card †¢HSBC recognition card †¢Citibank Credit Card Global participant in Credit card market are Master Card. VISA Card. American Express. Diners Club International. The first 6 figures of recognition cards figure are known as the issuer designation figure ( IIN ) . antecedently known as bank designation figure ( BIN ) . These place the establishment that issued the to the card holder The IIN scopes used by the major card strategies are VISA : Card figure start with a 4.Master Card: Card start with No. 51 and 55Diners Club: Card figure get downing 36 or 38Amex Ex: Card figure get downing 34 or37 [ movie ] Advancement in civilisation in its bend has brought out extremist alterations in the mode of trading. The demand for something per se utile and easy applicable in mundane dealing is clearly felt. Cash in the signifier of currency notes and coins makes up merely one signifier of the payment system. Development in banking while besides giving inputs to the farther development of hard currency brought about a 2nd stage in payment viz. paper instructions such as checks and recognition transportations. The demand for greater flexibleness and convenience has led to electronic payments. and this is where fictile cards have proved their worth. It allows the card issuers to restrict the amount of money the card-holders wish to pass. The disbursement of card-holders who have defaulted on payments or who are over their recognition bound can be restricted until the balances are cleared. Definition of recognition card A recognition card is a credit-token within the significance of subdivision 14 ( 1 ) . Consumer Credit Act 1974 of the UK which defines a credit-token as a card. check. verifier. voucher. cast. organize brochure or other papers or thing given to an person by a individual transporting on a consumer recognition concern. who undertakes: †¢ That on the production of it ( whether or non some other action is alsorequired ) . he will provide. hard currency. goods and services ( or any of them ) on recognition. or †¢ That were. on the production of it to third party ( whether or non any other action is besides required ) . the 3rd party supplies hard currency. goods and services ( whether or non subtracting any price reduction or committee ) . in return for paymentto him by the person. In really simple words recognition card can be termed as anunsecured personal loanoffered tocustomers by the Bankss where the card-holder could buy goods and services fromauthorized merchandiser or merchandiser constitutions ( MEs ) of the bank up to a fixed bound oncredit. Such recognition is usually made available for a period of 30 to 45 yearss. A recognition card can besides be used to procure air hose tickets and auto leases. Having a recognition cardcan brand purchases and reserves easier ; nevertheless. a recognition card should b e used responsibly so that the consumer does non over widen his fundss. Recognition cards are normally issued by banksor other fiscal establishments. Some recognition cards may be available online. HISTORY OF CREDIT CARDSOur society was one time upon a clip working without money ; it is once more likely to becomemoneyless. While ancient society was confronted with the jobs of seting mutuallysatisfactory rates and footing of exchange. future society. with the aid of computing machines. electronics and telecommunications. recognition cards. telephone and other modern agencies of communications. would settle fiscal minutess immediately. Money as a medium of exchange will function its map. The difference will be that in future coins. currency notes. checks. etc. . will be dispensed with in favor of records. India has entered the phase of creditcard system and recognition cards are deriving increasing relevancy to ease industrial. commercial and agricultural minutess. Credit was foremost used in Assyria. Babylon and Egypt 3. 000 old ages ago. The measure of exchange – the precursor of bank notes – was established in the fourteenth century. Debts settled by one-thirdcas h and two-thirds measure of exchange paper money followed merely in the seventeenth century. The firstadvertisement for recognition was placed in 1730 by Christopher Thornton who offered furniturethat could be paid off hebdomadal. From the eighteenth century until the early portion of the twentieth. tallymen sold apparels in return for smallweekly payments ; they were called â€Å"tallymen† because they kept a record of run of what people had brought on a wooden stick. One side of the stick was marked with notches torepresent the sum of debt and the other side was a record of payments. In the 1920sshopper’s home base – â€Å"buy now. pay later† system – was introduced in USA. It could merely beused in stores which issued it. In 1950. Diners Club and American Expresslaunched their charge cards in USA. the first ‘plastic money’ . In 1951. Diners Club issued the first recognition card to 200 clients who coulduse it at 27 eating houses. With the magnetic strip in 1970. the recognition card became a portion of theinformation age. Th e beginnings of the bank recognition cardhave been traced to John C. Biggins. a consumer creditspecialist at the Flatbush National Bank of Brooklyn. New York. In 1946. Biggins launched acredit program called Charge-It. The programme featured a signifier of scrip that was accepted bylocal merchandisers for little purchases. After the sale was completed. the merchandiser depositedthe scrip in a bank history. and the bank billed the client for the entire scrip issued. Fictile Money: the Currency of Modern IndiaIndian consumers have neer had it so good. The dirty notes are decidedly out. Carryingcash is no more `a hurting in the neck’ as consumers are trusting more on the `plastic card’ whichgives them money on recognition. Plastic money fundamentally means debit cards and recognition cards which is holding a magnetic band. logo. signature of the cardholder made of plastic. Recognition Card games have eventually arrived in India. The card industry which is turning at the rate of 20 % per annum is flooded with cards runing from gold. Ag. planetary. smart to secure†¦ . thelist is eternal. From merely two participants in early 80s. the industry now houses over 10 major participants competing for a major ball of the card pie. Presently four major bishops are governing the card empire—Citibank. Standard Chartered Bank. HSBC and State Bank of India ( SBI ) . The industry. which is providing to over 3. 8 million cardusers. is exp ected to duplicate by the financial 2003. Harmonizing to a survey conducted by State Bank of India. Citibank is the dominant participant. holding issued 1. 5 million cards so far. Stanchartfollows manner behind with 0. 67 million. while Hongkong Bank has 0. 3 million recognition cardcustomers. Among the nationalized Bankss. SBI tops the list with 0. 28 million cards. followed by Bank of Baroda at 0. 22 million. Parties involved Cardholder: The proprietor of the card used to do a purchase ; the consumer.Card-issuing bank: The fiscal establishment or other organisation that issued the creditcard to the cardholder. This bank measures the consumer for refund and bears the hazard that thecard is used fraudulently. American Express and Discover were antecedently the lone card-issuing Bankss for their several trade names. but as of 2007. this is no longer the instance. Merchant: The person or concern accepting recognition card payments for merchandises or services sold to the cardholderGeting bank: The fiscal establishment accepting payment for the merchandises or services on behalf of the merchandiser.Independent gross revenues organisation: Resellers ( to merchandisers ) of the services of theacquiring bank.Merchant history: This could mention to the geting bank or the independent salesorganization. but in general is the organisation that the merchandiser trades with. Credit Card association: An association of card-issuing Bankss such as Visa. MasterCard. Discover. American Express. etc. that set dealing footings for merchandisers. card-issuing Bankss. and geting Bankss. Transaction web: The system that implements the mechanics of the electronictransactions. May be operated by an independent company. and one company may operatemultiple webs. Transaction treating webs include: Cardnet. Nabanco. Omaha. Paymentech. NDC Atlanta. Nova. Vital. Concord EFSnet. and VisaNet. DIFFERENT TYPES OF CREDIT CARDSCharge card A charge card carries all the characteristics of recognition cards. However. after utilizing a charge card youwill have to pay off the full sum billed. by the due day of the month. If you fail to make so. you arelikely to be considered a defaulter and will normally hold to pay up a steep late paymentcharge Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011At the clip of utilizing the card he is non declared non as a defaulter even if girls due day of the month. A2. 95 per cent late payment fees ( this differs from one bank to another ) is levied in the following charge statement. Amex cardAmex stands for American Express and is one of the well-known charge cards. This card hasits ain merchandiser constitution affiliations and does non depend on the web of MasterCard or Visa.Smart cardA smart card contains an electronic bit which is used to hive away hard currency. This is most utile whenyou have to pay for little purchases. for illustration coach menus and java. No designation. signature or payment mandate is required for utilizing this card. The exact sum of purchase is deducted from the smart card during payment and iscollected by smart card reading machines. No alteration is given. Presently this merchandise isavailable merely in really developed states like the United States and is being used onlysporadically in India. Diners Club cardDiners Club is a branded charge card. There are a broad assortment of particular privileges offered tothe Diners Club cardholder. For case. as a cardholder you can put your ain spendinglimit. Besides. the card has its ain merchandiser constitution affiliations and does non depend onthe web of MasterCard or Visa. However. since this card is typically meant for high-income group classs. it may non beacceptable at many mercantile establishments. It would be a good thought to look into whether a member establishmentdoes accept the card or non in progress. Photo cardIn this exposure is imprinted on a card. and so you have what is known as a exposure card. Making this helps place the user of the recognition card and is hence considered safer. Besides. in many instances. your photo card can work as your individuality card as good. Global cardGlobal cards allow you the flexibleness and convenience of utilizing a recognition card instead than cashor travelers cheques while going abroad for either concern or personal grounds.Co-branded cardCo-branded cards are recognition cards issued by card companies that have tied up with a popular trade name for the intent of offering certain sole benefits to the consumer. .Affinity cardThe card issuer ties up with popular organizations/ establishments which are frequently non-profitorganizations ( Citi-WWF card or the stanch art-Cricket cards ) to offer an affinity card. Whenthe card is used. a certain per centum is contributed to the organisation /institution by the cardissue MasterCard and VisaMasterCard and Visa are planetary non-profit organisations dedicated to advance the growing of the card concern across the universe. They have built a huge web of merchantestablishments so that customer’s world-wide may utilize their several recognition cards to makevarious purchases. ? Visa card: Visa. Inc. . normally called VISA. is an economic joint venture of 21. 000 fiscal establishments that issue and market Visa merchandises including recognition anddebit cards. The company was originally named Visa International ServiceAssociation. The name alteration occurred in the autumn of 2007 as a portion of Visa’srestructuring and IPO program. The company is based in San Francisco. California. USA. PROCESS OF CREDIT CARDS FUNCTIONS OF CREDIT CARDSToday. recognition cards have many maps and are really versatile. They can besummarized into the undermentioned maps: RecognitionThe holder may obtain extended recognition up to an agreed bound at a published involvement rate. ChargeThe holder can refund the whole sum at the terminal of the month. without charge provided nocash progress has been taken. CashOn presentation at the appropriate Bankss. capable to look into. hard currency can be obtained. In mostcases can besides be used in ATMs to obtain hard currency. Cheque warrant A cheque drawn on a bank may be guaranteed up to a published bound provided it isaccompanied by a Cheque Guarantee Card ( or in some instances a Visa or MasterCard card ) issued by the bank on which it is drawn. Cheque encashment Cheque guaranteed as above may be used to obtain hard currency from subdivisions of most Bankss. although a charge may be levied in certain fortunes. International If the card is a member of Visa International or MasterCard International. you can utilize your card at many states where there are a batch Bankss who are members of them. Possibly the most important fact to emerge from the sum-up of card maps is thatstrictly talking. they are non debit cards. Although they can be used to obtain hard currency via ATM. the debit will be made from the recognition card history and non from the holder’s bank history. The recognition cards discussed above are bank cards. Different bank cards have different cardfunctions. The maps of bank cards truly depend on the single bank itself. Some bank card may hold all of the above maps and some may non. There other recognition cards that are issued by retail shops such as Petrol Card. Quasi Card andPrivate Label Card which may hold some of the above maps mentioned above.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Undertow free essay sample

Tool Undertow Dont get caught in the undertow as too many unsuspecting people may find themselves. Go out to your local record store and buy Tools release, Undertow. A group featured on last years Lollapalooza tour, Tools popularity comes mostly from the now widespread air-play and video-play of their first single, Sober. A song for those who believe that misery loves company, Sober includes the lines I will find a center in you/I will chew it up and leave/ I will work to elevate you/Just enough to bring you down. Another highlight featured on Undertow is the guest appearance of Henry Rollins on the very bass-heavy track Bottom. When the song reaches a lull before the musical storm, Rollins bears his poetic soul and lashes out with, If I let you/you would make me destroy myself./In order to survive you/I must first survive myself, and other hard statements. We will write a custom essay sample on Undertow or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Along with the highly recommended titles Intolerance and Swamp Song, there is the humorous, yet slightly hypocritical track, Disgustipated, a fifteen-minute song at the very end. It is suggested to the listener to keep the CD/tape playing even if Undertow seems to be over. Disgustipated starts out with a sarcastic look at evangelism, then fades into an almost industrial sounding rhythm and non-annoying repetitive chorus, plus a surprise ending. For pure musical enjoyment, rush to your local music store for the Undertow thats fun for all. . Review by R. A., Shrewsbury, MA