Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Competitive and Global Strategy Borders

Question: Discuss about the Competitive and Global Strategy Borders. Answer: Introduction: The first material is based on the clear description of strategy that is the integral part for the organisational success. The discussions of this material are highlighting some of the key features associated with the concept. These key findings are stated further: The material specifies that the well-known definition of strategy used by the organisations these days are quite different to the actual meaning. The origin of the term strategy was the Greek word strategos, which signifies the role of the general in the war (com 2016). The material clearly compares the business process with the war field and the business leaders with the general of war. It suggests that the leaders must see what the other commanders or employees cannot see. It is necessary for the leaders to make the right choice and shape up the business tactics to grow by directing the associated employees (Gobble 2012). The material also highlights that in order to achieve the determined goals, it is necessary to keep the focus on four major factors. The first factor is the place where the business will compete in and adopt the business activities by comparing products. Second factor is to determine the efficient unique values that can be attractive enough to draw the attention of the customers. The third factor is to determine the necessary resources for implementing such value added and differentiation services (Kryscynski Ulrich 2015). The focus on the tangible and intangible resources is necessary to add the organisational functionalities. The fourth factor is indicating the process of sustaining the ability of providing unique values to the customers (Somaya et al. 2015). The material thus reflects the idea of maintaining the proper strategic decision making process in order to sustain in this competitive world. The acceptance of such techniques would be beneficial for the organisations to win over the business battles in this current situation. Example of the Organisation Concentrating on the tactics of business strategy presented in this material, it is seen that if the companies can implement such techniques, it will derive more benefits in this competitive world. The example of IKEA is appropriate in such case. If concentrated on the previous business strategy, it is noted that IKEA maintains the contemporary Scandinavian style while manufacturing the furniture. It is noted that IKEA provides the stylish home furniture in an inexpensive rate. Moreover, the company has the greater scale if compared to the local furniture retailers (Grant Jordan 2015). However, even though the company is selling the stylish and designed furniture at low cost, it is necessary for the company to shape the mass-production techniques and the shipping facilities in flat boxes (Youtube.com 2016). On the other hand, it is noticed that the extreme low shipping costs are much beneficial for the suppliers. However, such complex strategic values are difficult for the competito rs to imitate. Therefore, the strategy brings more benefits to the organisation. Key Ideas derived from the Material The week 5 material depicts the underlying concept of international trade through the implementation CAGE framework. The framework is developing the idea about the research and international economics that are creating impacts on the trades between two countries. The key ideas derived from the material are listed below: Depending on the trading behaviour between two countries, the CAGE model is developed. The CAGE model includes four different dimensions and each of the letters stands for different values. Such as C stands for cultural, A stands for administrative, G represents geographic, and E stands for economic. The framework determines that during the international trade, these factors are needed to be taken into considerations. The diversifications of culture, political scenario, locations, and economic structure create the significant impact on trade businesses (Youtube.com 2016). These differences are clearly affecting the interactive purposes among the countries. If the two countries share the similar perspectives, such as same official language, income rate, and common border, it becomes easier for the countries to trade with each other. Due to the commonalities foreseen between two countries strengthens the trade relationships and helps in establishing the strengthened economic structure (Ghemawat 2015). However, it is also needed to considering that each of the country holds the special significance, which is needed to be prioritised (Ghemawat 2013). This priority is needed to be taken into account while undertaking the trading functionalities. The establishment of the effective global strategy helps in strengthening the brnad reputation in a competitive scenario. Moreover, when the business partners will be able to conduct the business functionalities, it increases the future opportunities. The above features of the international trade based on the CAGE model are implying the significance of commonalities between two countries. It helps in understanding the business requirements and regulations more specifically. Example of the Organisation The key ideas derived from the material are indicating that sharing commonalities is much helpful for two countries to trade more than 10 to 15 times. It is noticed that Mexico and Canada are sharing maximum equalities in considering the dimensions associated with CAGE framework. Walmart is one of the largest retail companies in Mexican market. The company is trying to expand the business in other countries due to which the proper economic environment is necessary. It is noted that Canada is renowned as the largest bilateral trading partner in United States (Youtube.com 2016). Moreover, Canada shares the commonalities in geographic location, cultural values, economic structure, and administrative regulations with Mexico. Hence, if Walmart decides to expand their business in Canada, it will be beneficial for the company to earn more profitability for upcoming years. The company will be able to understand the cultural values and the political scenario, which are the major focus for con ducting a business. In fact, it is even stated that the company will be able to strengthen the reputed position in the competitive market. References Ghemawat, P. (2013).Redefining global strategy: Crossing borders in a world where differences still matter. Harvard Business Press. Ghemawat, P. (2015). From International Business to Intranational Business. InEmerging Economies and Multinational Enterprises(pp. 5-28). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Gobble, M.M., 2012. Innovation and strategy.Research-Technology Management,55(3), pp.63-67. Grant, R. M., Jordan, J. J. (2015).Foundations of strategy. John Wiley Sons. Kryscynski, D., Ulrich, D. (2015). Making strategic human capital relevant: A time-sensitive opportunity.The Academy of Management Perspectives,29(3), 357-369. Somaya, D., Coff, R., Zenger, T. D., Wright, P. M., Mindruta, D. (2015). Strategic Human Capital. Youtube.com, 2016. Pankaj Ghemawat: CAGE framework to evaluate international trade opportunities. [online] YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FpUJaG7uMk [Accessed 26 Dec. 2016]. Youtube.com, 2016. What is Strategy?. [online] YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD7WSLeQtVw [Accessed 26 Dec. 2016].

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