Thursday, May 14, 2020

Racism In The Movies Essay - 621 Words

Spike Lee’s, Do The Right Thing is a comtemporary look at racism in a ordinary city urban neighborhood. The movie is seen through the eyes of the main character, Mookey, we are shown the multiple relationships and often typical stereotypes of racial groups. This movies is filled with symbolism and imagery that feeds to the story’s plot. Throughout the movie, the scorching heat is always being refereed to. As the movie goes on , the heat rises. I think this is done to represent the increasing racial tension within the neighborhood. The movie uses many situations to paint a picture of the racial tension and inequality. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The main plot of the movie involves the relationship that a black neighborhood has with an†¦show more content†¦They are all blacks. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Yet a third conflict occurs between residents of the neighborhood and the Korean owners of convenience. Here there is a small language barrier that leads to some of the frustration. Another, larger part of the problem is that residents see the majority of the business in their (black) neighborhood as being owned by non blacks. This serves to create anger toward the owners of these business. The residents think that unfair that things are this way. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A fourth incident occurs when a white male is walking his bike across the street and accidentally scuffs the kicks of one of the neighborhood blacks. The black guy get very upset because the white man did not apologize,and begins to chase after him. The black guy catches the white guy and starts to reprimand him and threatened him. The white man then responds by saying that the neighborhood is his. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The movie ends in a final confrotation at Sal’s in which the police are called and a local black resident of the neighborhood is killed by the police while they are trying to restrain him. This actoin by the police sets the other black residents off. They begin to riot and proceed to destroy Sal’s pizza joint. They almost destroy the Korean store too, except that the owner keeps yelling that he is one of them (black). This act seems to satisfy the mob.Show MoreRelatedRacism in Disney Movies Essay5488 Words   |  22 PagesSullivan 30 March 2010 Racism in Disney During the last several decades, the media has become a strong agent in directing and controlling social beliefs and behaviors. Children, by nature, can be particularly susceptible to the influencing powers of the media, opening an avenue where media created especially for children can indoctrinate entire generations. Disney movies, like all other media â€Å"are powerful vehicles for certain notions about our culture,† such as racism. (Giroux 32). Racist scenesRead MoreAmerican Sport Movies Dealing with Racism6989 Words   |  28 Pages1. 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